Our unique house plans include this selection of home designs for construction on a sloping lot. Our hillside house plans provide an excellent opportunity to use the basement as a garage or to provide a walk-out patio from the basement level. The house plans below are specifically designed as hillside house plans for sloping lots.
Island Cottage Basement Foundation
The Island Cottage House Plan is a playful, coastal cottage getaway with a wrap around porch, roof decks and a roof-top observation loft. The basement version is designed for a sloping lot.
The Mountain Cottage is a variation of the Island Cottage and illustrates one of the many customizations of this versatile plan. In this example, the Mountain Cottage is built into the side of a hill which slopes down to a large lake providing wonderful views.
The Country Cottage has all the amenities of a larger house designed in a compact space. The basement version provides a rear drive-in garage in the basement which works well with a hillside sloping lot.
The Hip Cottage Basement Option extends living space into a basement with access to an outdoor patio which blends this house into a sloping lot. It is compact, yet has all the features that make for comfortable living including a separate laundry room, large closets and kitchen opening into the living spaces.
The Plantation Cottage draws upon the southern, coastal, low country vernacular and features large, wrap-around porches and a full basement. Designed for a sloping lot, it provides for a side drive-in garage in the basement of the house.
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Thanks for the comment, Ana! I hope this post helps your cousin. Let us know if you have any questions by contacting us via our "Contact" tab or visiting our website: http://www.southerncottages.com